CPE Bach: The Six Essay Sonatas (Die Sechs Probesonaten) - DOWNLOAD ONLY LEMS-8078
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"The classical period begins in Lyrichord’s terms with CPE Bach – the six wonderfully unpredictable ‘essay’ keyboard sonatas (Probensonaten), Wq63 (H70-75) performed on a Broadwood hammerklavier of 1796 by Elisabeth Katzenellenbogen (LYRCD8078 – download from classicsonline.com or, in the USA, from iTunes). The music must have sounded as revolutionary to CPE’s contemporaries as Beethoven’s late quartets did to his. These are fleet-fingered and stylish performances on an instrument which doesn’t demand too much tolerance from the listener even if, like me, you aren’t a great fan of the early fortepiano. It’s an easier instrument to record than CPE’s favourite clavichord. The playing time of 40 minutes is definitely on the mean side but this reflects the recording’s analogue origins."Bryan Wilson, June 12, 2012
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Music Web International
CPE Bach’s Six Essay Sonatas represent some of the finest examples music that is designed to teach, but whose compositional genius far surpasses that practical end. The eighteen separate pieces that comprise the set are realized in stunning performance by Elizabeth Katzenellenbogen, who recorded these works on a rare Broadwood & Sons Square Piano (1796), originally owned by John Jacob Astor, but now in the George Sherman Dickinson Music Library at Vassar College. Long unavailable, this unique recording now shines again in a digitally remastered edition
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